Free Case Review



Free Consumer Case Review

We understand our student loan clients are on a tight a budget which is why we offer a free, no obligation Case Review.  We will ask you questions about your specific situation related to your student loan debt.  The purpose of the Free Case Review is to determine if we are able to help you.  Upon completion of our review, if we determine we are able to help you, we will schedule a consultation between you and one of our attorneys.  If we are not able to help you, we will let you know and of course there is no charge.

The consultation takes 1-2 hours (based on your specific circumstances).  While most student loan consultations are conducted over the telephone, you are welcome to come in to one of our offices.  The cost of the consultation is $250.  We accept all major credit cards as well as personal checks, cash and money orders.  Most of our Student Loan clients agree that this is some of the best money they ever spent.  Most are completely unaware of all the potential options available to deal with their student loan debt.

Please call us at 800-987-4165 to speak with one of our Case Managers and complete your Free Case Review.  When you call, it is helpful to have the following items and information available:

  1. Copies of your student loan documents.
  2. Copies of your statements.
  3. Total amount of student loan debt.
  4. Total minimum monthly payments.
  5. Household income.
  6. Collection Efforts– Information related the servicer or collection agency (i.e. who is calling, what they are saying, what they are requesting etc.).
  7. Current Collection Efforts– Calls, letters, wage garnishments, Department of Justice Lawsuit.
  8. For Federal Student LoansClick here and login to the NSLDS Database.  This government website provides information about the details of your Federal Student Loans. Note: if you don’t have a login, you will need to register.

We look forward to helping you resolve your student loan debt.

Click here to review our attorney biographies, Better Business Bureau rating and our credentials.