Legally resolving your student loan debt can be very complicated. The primary reason is because every case along with the potential and desired outcomes are different for each client. The other reason is the information is fragmented. While the government has many programs available to assist student loan borrowers, selecting the correct one can be difficult. Through our representation of student loan borrowers, we’ve found in many cases, the servicer and/or collection agency fails (in violation of Federal Law) to discuss all potential with student loan borrowers. The result is student loan borrowers often end up in payment plans they cannot afford and end up back in default and obligated to pay up to 25% in collection fees. To properly access your situation it’s important to understand where you are in collection process:
As stated above, servicers and debt collectors frequently do not review all of your options. Depending on your specific circumstance and after careful evaluation of your case and circumstances, we will review all of your available options with you so can make informed decision as to what is the best course of action for you. We are familiar with all government programs and offer a variety of services to assist you in resolving your student loan debt. Below are some of the possible outcomes:
To determine if we can help you, we offer a free Case Review. During our case review, we will call and let you know whether we can help you or not. If we determine that we can help you, we will ask you for documents related to your case. If we cannot help you, there is no obligation and we will inform you. If we can help, we will ask you to fill out a questionnaire and return it uu so we complete the work on your case. Most case reviews are completed over the telephone or if you prefer, you’re welcome to come inot one our offices. The cost to resolve your case is based on the total amount of your debt and complexity of your case. We charge a flat rate fee to resolve your case (no hourly charges). Most of our clients tell us it’s the best money they ever spent as they were not aware of all their possible options. In addition to reviewing all of your options we will provide you written instructions as to next steps. For your Free Case Review click here and follow the instructions. |